Pain Pushes Until Vision Pulls

Have you ever been at a job you didn’t love, in a relationship you knew was not going anywhere, or held onto friendships you had grown out of? Later, you wished you had leaped into the unknown sooner. It’s a great reminder that the pain felt at times like the above is our Divine nudge to take a quantum leap into the next great version of our existence. Our pain pushes us.

We can name a hundred things we dislike about the current situation, complain to our friends, journal about it, sleep on it, go to our therapist, meditate, pray, take a class, do a twenty-one-day cleanse, get a massage, our chakras aligned, and so forth. Then, we find ourselves in the same unhappy place we started.

I am in no way knocking those practices. All that practice was needed to get you into a space of possibility so you could have a moment of clarity where that new potentiality would shine before you like a beacon of light emerging from the darkness.

Like a magnet, you are suddenly pulled by a vision of something new. You can describe your vision and start talking about it. The qualities of a job you would love to have are present. The attributes you seek in terms of the right and perfect relationship become apparent, and you take the time to work on developing your heart to be open and available for what you would love to experience next. We become the “friend” we seek in others, allowing fulfilling and mutually nourishing friendships to thrive.

Ralph Waldo Emerson observed, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” If you want a friend, be a friend. Instead of being sorrowful about what isn’t there, you are invited to stake your claim in the infinite realm of good by stating what you would love to experience.

It seems like magic when it appears, but it is not magic in any way. You have prepared spiritually, physically, and emotionally for the Divine manifestation to appear. You are open and available and have said yes to your mighty and magnificent good. 

Your pain pushes you out of the thing that is causing you pain. Even when it hurts so bad, and you know you need to change something, you might create suffering, forcing yourself to stay the same because it’s too scary to do something differently. You aren’t consciously doing those things aloud; however, that mindset keeps you stuck. It’s an unconscious pattern keeping you locked in. Are you catching what I’m saying here?

Be pulled by the mighty and magnificent vision for your life. The Universe steps in with a vision when the pain becomes too strong. For example, the Divine drops an image, a song, or a book into your consciousness, which becomes the start of the roadmap to your future.

Now, you are pulled by vision. Go with it!

And so it is.

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